Jupyter Server plugin#

The jupyter_server module provides fixtures for automatically setting-up/tearing-down Jupyter Servers.

To use this plugin, install the dependencies for this plugin:

pip install 'pytest-jupyter[server]'

and list the plugin in the conftest.py file at the root of your project’s test directory.

You can make requests to a test server using the jp_fetch and jp_ws_fetch fixtures.


Fixtures for use with jupyter server and downstream.


Allows tests to setup specific argv values.


Configures an authorization header using the token from the serverapp fixture.


Returns the base url to use for the test.

jp_configurable_serverapp(jp_nbconvert_templates, jp_environ, jp_server_config, jp_argv, jp_http_port, jp_base_url, tmp_path, jp_root_dir, jp_logging_stream, jp_asyncio_loop)#

Starts a Jupyter Server instance based on the provided configuration values. The fixture is a factory; it can be called like a function inside a unit test. Here’s a basic example of how use this fixture:

def my_test(jp_configurable_serverapp):
    app = jp_configurable_serverapp(...)

Creates a notebook in the test’s home directory.

jp_extension_environ(jp_env_config_path, monkeypatch)#

Monkeypatch a Jupyter Extension’s config path into each test’s environment variable

jp_fetch(jp_serverapp, http_server_client, jp_auth_header, jp_base_url)#

Sends an (asynchronous) HTTP request to a test server. The fixture is a factory; it can be called like a function inside a unit test. Here’s a basic example of how use this fixture:

async def my_test(jp_fetch):
    response = await jp_fetch("api", "spec.yaml")

Returns the port value from the http_server_port fixture.


StringIO stream intended to be used by the core Jupyter ServerApp logger’s default StreamHandler. This helps avoid collision with stdout which is hijacked by Pytest.


Setups up a temporary directory consisting of the nbconvert templates.


Provides a temporary Jupyter root directory value.


The core auth resources for use with a server.


The auth resources used by the server.


An authorizer for the server.


Automatically cleans up server resources.


Allows tests to setup their specific configuration values.

jp_serverapp(jp_server_config, jp_argv, jp_configurable_serverapp)#

Starts a Jupyter Server instance based on the established configuration values.


Provides a temporary Jupyter templates directory value.


app fixture is needed by pytest_tornasync plugin

jp_ws_fetch(jp_serverapp, http_server_client, jp_auth_header, jp_http_port, jp_base_url)#

Sends a websocket request to a test server. The fixture is a factory; it can be called like a function inside a unit test. Here’s a basic example of how use this fixture:

async def my_test(jp_fetch, jp_ws_fetch):
    # Start a kernel
    r = await jp_fetch(
        "api", "kernels", method="POST", body=json.dumps({"name": "python3"})
    kid = json.loads(r.body.decode())["id"]
    # Open a websocket connection.
    ws = await jp_ws_fetch("api", "kernels", kid, "channels")
send_request(jp_fetch, jp_ws_fetch)#

Send to Jupyter Server and return response code.